4 HVAC Maintenance Tasks Every Homeowner Can Perform

Hot weather and smokey skies have been a constant for homeowners in Sacramento, California, this summer. Therefore, you’ve likely relied heavily on your air conditioner to stay cool and comfortable through the extreme conditions. To ensure you don’t strain your system and increase the risk of a breakdown, it’s important to take care of it regularly. Here are four HVAC maintenance tasks every homeowner can perform to ensure efficient operation:

Change Your HVAC System’s Air Filter

Your HVAC system’s air filter is your first line of defense against particles that can decrease efficiency and worsen indoor air quality. Make sure to change yours every 90 days. If you suffer from allergies or asthma, change yours every month. As a result, your HVAC system will filter the air better and you’ll breathe easier at home.

Clean Around Your Outdoor Unit

If your home has split HVAC system, it includes an indoor air handling unit and an outdoor condensing unit. It’s important to keep the area around the outdoor condensing unit free from debris, including plants and other vegetation. As a general rule of thumb, leave at least 3-feet of clearance around the unit. As a result, it’ll draw air without issue.

Seal All the Air Leaks Around Your Home

Your HVAC system accounts for almost 50 percent of the energy your household consumes. To prevent energy waste and save money, you must keep as much conditioned air inside your home as possible. Inspect your home’s ducts, windows and doors for air leaks. Use weatherstripping and caulk to seal them properly and prevent energy loss.

Sign Up for a Maintenance Membership

While every homeowner can perform the aforementioned HVAC maintenance tasks, you should leave most to a professional. Signing up for an HVAC maintenance membership is the best way to ensure your climate control system is taken care of. By doing so, you’ll lower energy bills, reduce repair costs and extend your unit’s lifespan.

Are you interested in learning more about the benefits of HVAC maintenance membership? Do you need help increasing HVAC efficiency? Contact Jaguar Heating & Air today at 916-256-4447 to start saving money on your energy bills.

Image provided by Thinkstock

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